The Oxfam Trailwalker
A Sporting Challenge for Solidarity
Oxfam France is an international solidarity organization that fights poverty and
inequality around the world. It promotes social, economic and climate justice
through humanitarian actions and awareness-raising campaigns.
Key facts from the 2024 edition in Dieppe

More than 549,000€

participants divided into
245 teams


More than 1,000
An international event
Since the first event in 1981 in Hong-Kong, thousands of walkers around the world have taken part in the challenge and walked collectively the equivalent of more than 100 world tours. Since the beginning, these Oxfam ambassadors have raised over 40 million euros.
Oxfam Trailwalker became a global phenomenon: the Oxfam Trailwalker is organized in 5 countries including Belgium, Spain, Honk Kong China, North Korea and France.
How to participate ?
Participate as a team
For your information, your team’s registration has to be done directly online. Payment is by credit card and must be done only once per team.
There are many ressources available on our website especially advises on training, fundraising, support crew and volunteering. There are all in French but you can reach us by phone + 33 (0)1 56 98 24 46 or by email and we can explain everything.
Support crew
Supporters play an essential role by helping their team throughout the event. Indeed, they provide logistical support, encouragement, and, if needed, transport for walkers who wants to stop the challenge. Supporters are stationed at checkpoints with provisions, clothing, and a comforting presence to keep the walkers motivated. Behind every great team is an even greater support crew !
Volunteers at the Oxfam Trailwalker event are very important. Without them none of this would be possible. Getting involved as a volunteer is a wonderful commitment that contributes massively to the results of Oxfam’s work. Volunteers have several tasks such as :
- Checkpoint management
- Shuttle driving
- Logistics
- Closure walk
- Massage and physiotherapy support
Support Oxfam’s projects
The funds raised by the Oxfam Trailwalker participants support Oxfam France’s projects in the world. Since 1988, Oxfam France has one objective: to fight against poverty and inequalities.
The association leads citizen mobilization campaigns and pressure on political and economic leaders. Oxfam France also supports the emergency humanitarian actions and development projects of the international Oxfam confederation, in collaboration with local organizations and allies around the world.
To support populations directly impacted by poverty, the expertise of the Oxfam confederation makes it possible in particular to ensure access to drinking water and food, the development of sanitation systems and support for peasant and family agriculture in many countries.

countries of intervention
15,5 Million
direct beneficiaries of the programs
1 billion
More than 1 billion euros of budget overall
Since 1949
An association that has been active all over the world since 1942